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The variables

Here are the 15 variables that comprise the Love Equation. A comprehensive analysis of them promises to reveal the nature of your relationship. Although is not an exhaustive list, they are all-encompassing, containing multiple factors within that take into account the nuances and complexity of modern love.  


Pp for Physical and Psychological Attraction

Physical and Psychological Attraction represents the natural desire and allure between individuals that are inspired by both their physical and psychological attributes.

We cannot fall in love with anyone. Some people ignite a magnetic pull and spark a chemical attraction.

Psychoanalysis tells us we have a predisposition to feel attracted to certain physical and personality traits, sparked by the way we have given and received love in our past. 

It is not only the way the other looks 


Ti for Internal Timing

Internal Timing refers to the compatibility of life stages between partners. It's the alignment of aspirations in terms of personal and professional priorities, and the emotional availability for commitment.

Picture this: one soul yearns for adventure and party while the other seeks financial savings and settling down. One has been scared by a past relationship, the other is ready to commit. Do the stages of you and your partner are in synchrony?


Internal Timing refers to the alignment of what people are giving priority to at a particular moment in their lives and the emotional disposition to build a relationship.

Sometimes, many elements around the personalities can coincide, but can be affected by a person´s need to heal scars from the past or the desire to focus on other life priorities. 

Te for External Timing

External Timing refers to the set of contextual circumstances that either nurture or challenge a relationship's viability. It is the sum of factors beyond the couple's psychology, where the pieces of life's puzzle align or diverge.


Think of the pragmatic realities that surround the relationship: Do you both live in the same city? Is someone´s family member ill and needs special attention? Do any of you inherit a house where both can live without paying rent? Does the world make it easier or harder for you two to be together?


Y for Likelihood of success

The Love Equation calculates the likelihood of success of a relationship.

Success is defined as relationship satisfaction over time and is measured on a scale from 0 to 1.


Closer to 1 indicates a higher success probability,

while closer to 0 indicates a lower probability.

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